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Electronic Acupuncture Pencil Electric Meridian Laser Therapy Massage Acupuncture Pen Pain Relief Tools
Electronic Acupuncture Pen Features:
Electronic Acupuncture Pen Specifications:
Please note:
The principle of processing an electronic acupuncture pencil is used by electric pulses to stimulate acupuncture points, then to activate cells and dredging the channel, while there is a condition for generating an electric pulse, that is, the positive and negative current poles must be turned on. The pen is the monopoly current (nib) output, so the other pole current must be done by hand and cut off with a nid electronic acupuncture pencil so that it will produce electrical impulses. so this is normal, if you feel a small amount of holding a hand, this is how the meridian handle works, is not a quality problem.
In the return process, depending on the size of the hand resistance, the strength you feel will be slightly different. Some people will feel stronger and some will feel weak. Young people or people with health will be a little stronger. Older people or people with poor health will be weak.
The phenomenon of “electrical leakage, electrical rejuvenation, electrical stimulation” of an electronic acupuncture pencil, as indicated above, is not a quality problem, but its processing principle.
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